Sunday, December 14, 2008

Little Miss Know It All

I mastered the ANGEL history quiz!

I proved my BtVS knowledge!


I simply love those series. n__n So much better than most TV shows out there~

You know, I was plotting for a novel idea. It's about a teenager who committed suicide years ago and is stuck as a bitter ghost, an angel who cheated on her Angelic Entrance Exam, a fat girl who is about to die and her BFF, Steve, who has to be the sweetest guy ever. The thing is, the Angel (Raf) is there for the fat girl (Maddy), but falls for Steve. Already complicated, her mission would be a lot easier if the ghost didn't decide to tag along, especially since the ghost is the only being on Earth, in Heaven and Hell that can annoy her.

And I was writing a couple of dialogues for that duo and realize how they sounded like Angel and Spike. xDD Oh well. I am working on it still, and it's coming along fine. =D

Monday, December 8, 2008


Angel the Series unaired pilot~

Cordelia Chase, because she's awesome~

And Bye-Bye Angel from the WB~

Friday, November 7, 2008

Forbidden Appeals

I'm on the Internet again, without the necessary Mother Permission. Hence the title. Or is it just the irresistibleness of Internet? Bits of both, perhaps. Either way, I'm here when I shouldn't be.

As you may have noticed, I changed my layout. I wanted it to look cuter, and I think I somehow achieved my goal- don't ya think? I even have the small, upside down maple leaf! xD (I'm Canadian, if you didn't know. Quebecoise, actually. And hockey? So not supporting Toronto's Maple Leaf, but rather Montreal's Canadians. Yeah, babbling here.)

My one problem is, I can't find the links toward other blogs anymore! That, and I don't have a little message box. (Of course, I am aware that no one comes around anyway, but that could change)

So please, help me. And give me the link to your blog.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yes, We Can

This has to be all over the world: Barack Obama has been elected president of the United-States of America. If you have not heard of it, then you really need to read the news, for that's history in the making. A black living in the White House. The youngest president-elect ever, too.

My English teacher told us the day after the elections, November 5, 2008, to buy a newspaper with Obama on front cover. Said something about Americans wanting to buy some paper, but it was sold-out: they didn't print enough for the population. Said something about the newspaper being worth a lot in the futur. I don't know if that's true, or even possible, but as she talked about how the world had changed, I felt a chill going through me.

That evening, when I went grocery shopping with my mom (which I do once every week to hold the bags), I saw a few newspapers left and I smiled. I asked if they were for sell- they were. It cost me a dollar, with the taxes. It was the first time in my entire life that I had an interest in the newspapers other than the crosswords and comic strips.

I bought myself The Gazette, thinking, yeah, it'll be nice to have something to prove I was there and aware of what was happening.

According to some, the USA elections don't concern me since I'm Canadian, and French. That's wrong. Those elections have affected the whole world. They don't call USA the center of the world for nothing. Obama being elected is a statement, is hope, and is the end of racism. Fifty years ago, black people couldn't sit at the front of a bus (heard of Rosa Park, anyone?).

We have come a long way.

I say, like the new president or not, you'll have to admit that anything's better than Bush. Bush, who has brought himself so much hatred from all over- yet it's Obama who will be shot, many say.

Obama didn't gloat, didn't make fake promises, didn't attack anyone viciously. He was humble and honnest, and I believe that's why he won.

The world has changed. Can you feel it?

Monday, July 7, 2008

I love you, I love you not.

What You Really Think Of Your Friends

Angieko is your soulmate. (Good to hear. Way to have an impossible love in a lifetime.)

You truly love Rage. (Bloody right I do. Who wouldn't?)

You consider Salsa your true friend. (True friend, are you there?)

You know that Lizzie is always thinking of you. (That, I doubt... even though I must be an amazing person to think about.)

You'll remember Daisy for the rest of your life. (Sure, she has my mother's name)

You secretly think Chibi is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. (My little darling Mary Sue)

You secretly think that Casie is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. (Who studies too much)

You secretly think that Slacky is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Slacky changes lovers faster than underwear. (Because she too is an hopeless romantic. UNITE!)

You secretly think Rea-kun is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Rea-kun has a hidden internet romance. (Of course she has. A virtual BBQ stick romance, I'm sure.)

Say, what am I to you?